Ivolo rug


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An ultra soft faux fur rug

Sink your feet into luxurious comfort with our faux fur rug. This masterpiece of softness and elegance offers an unparalleled tactile experience, combining the warm appearance of fur with an ethical conscience. The carefully chosen synthetic fibers perfectly imitate the texture and appearance of real fur, without any harm to animals.

Incredibly soft to the touch, every step you take on this rug will be a caress for your feet. The soft, fuzzy feel will envelop you in a cocoon of comfort, instantly transforming your space into a relaxing oasis. The natural, rich color palette adds a touch of sophistication to any interior, blending harmoniously with different decor styles.

Whether in your living room, bedroom or den, this faux fur rug will bring a dose of warmth and glamor to any room. Its durable and durable construction ensures exceptional longevity, allowing you to enjoy its beauty and comfort for many years to come.

Offering a unique blend of visual refinement and sumptuous tactile feel, this faux fur rug will quickly become an indispensable part of your living space, inviting everyday relaxation and lust.

A very soft carpet

100% polyester

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