Farar rug


logo fabrication francaise

A woven indoor rug

Our indoor woven rug will bring a unique and timeless style to your interior, whether plain or with a striped or checkered pattern. It will allow you to structure your space while making it warmer. The weaving process guarantees easy cleaning and therefore makes this rug a valuable asset in high traffic rooms.


Burnt earth

A chic ethnic decoration that adapts to your desires

Bring a touch of exoticism to your exterior, in a 100% travel atmosphere. Let's open terraces and balconies to a style from elsewhere! Here, natural colors and exotic patterns invite you to travel and give the decor an atmosphere that transports you elsewhere. Between green, blue, red, orange or beige, the light will be in the spotlight! Pack your bags, the journey begins now!

Warm colors throughout the house but also outside

From outdoor cushions to deck chairs or rugs to vinyl placemats, our ethnic motifs will warm up the atmosphere and give your cocoon an air of elsewhere. Have fun mixing the prints for an even more chic and decorative look!

A durable woven rug

100% blended fibers

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