Black Mosaic personalized vinyl rug


Il s’agit ici d’un aperçu, c’est pourquoi la taille du texte et l’espacement des lettres peut varier en fonction des mots choisis. Notre équipe de graphistes veillera à un rendu fidèle et une finition parfaite de votre produit.

Black Mosaic personalized vinyl rug


A customizable vinyl rug

Do you want to brighten up your interior? To bring a little style and originality while making it more functional? What could be more effective than a Pôdevache rug to breathe a trendy atmosphere into a cozy and refined interior. Spruce up any of your rooms with one of our custom vinyl rugs . And since it's made of vinyl, our designer rug is super easy to maintain and, above all, ultra-resistant! You can be reassured, it will remain unchanged for many years! In the entrance, in the living room or in the bathroom, add a little fun to your decor in no time!

This is an overview, so text size and letter spacing may vary depending on the words chosen. The typography used in the preview is not that of the final rendering. However, you can trust the situation. Our team of graphic designers will ensure a faithful rendering and a perfect finish of your product.

Personalized products cannot be taken back or exchanged.


My personalized decoration

Want a unique piece that looks like you?

They marked you by their atmosphere, their beauty or simply by the memories they left behind... We all have a special relationship with certain cities. Our My Personalized Decor collection is a great alternative to traditional holiday memories and a nice nod to the city of your heart. Bring the final touch to your interior with our ultra trendy decorative objects to personalize!

A 100% customizable decoration

Carpets, placemats, candles... Let all your desires and your love of style speak with our customization option! Pôdevache offers you a selection of products to personalize that will adapt to all your emotions and your style of decoration. Whether you want to make a gift or offer yourself a new decorative element, in a few clicks you will have your unique piece! Choose the message to associate with our different design and refined patterns, on soberly colored backgrounds for a guaranteed modern and timeless result! Initials, a first name, a private joke, a statement? Everything is possible with the tailor-made message made available to you!

A vinyl rug 100% made in France

PVC printed and cut. Thickness 2.4mm.
Anti-UV matt protective varnish with high flexibility, guaranteed for 1 year.
External resistance.
REACH standard and toys, fire classification, 100% recyclable, 0% phthalate.
Excellent flatness and good dimensional stability.

Use a magic sponge, it's fantastic!

This product will be shipped within 2-8 days.

Personalized products cannot be taken back or exchanged .